Sandra Stokes summer social afternoon

Sandra Stokes summer social afternoon

In true Dragons spirit, even a downpour couldn’t dampen the fun at our Sandra Stokes Summer Social. What was planned as a sunny afternoon of picnics and outdoor games quickly turned into a cozy clubhouse gathering, but that didn’t stop us from having a blast!

We enjoyed drinks and delicious treats – thanks to Rob and Vicky for the cakes! While the kids made the most of the covered bouncy castle outside -who needs sunshine when there’s bouncing to be had?

Once the clouds cleared, the action moved outdoors for some classic sports day-style races for the kids, and a game of rounders that brought out the competitive side of more than a few Dragons. (Rematch next year, anyone?)

We also gathered to remember a much loved club member, Sandra Stokes. Sandra left behind a legacy, both in her contribution to the club and through a generous monetary gift that helped fund the event.

A special bench was dedicated in her honour, placed in the very spot where she would often be found post-run, cuppa in hand, chatting with fellow Dragons. It was the perfect moment to raise a glass in her name and celebrate the impact she had on our club.

Thank you to everyone who braved the weather and made the afternoon so memorable. Despite the rain, the laughter, camaraderie, and spirit of the Dragons shone through. Here’s to more adventures, rain or shine!

A few words from Allison Clarke, who knew Sandra very well.

I appreciate many of you didn’t have the pleasure of knowing or meeting Sandra as she sadly died in 2018.

 Inevitably, the rich tapestry of life means time and people move on but Sandra will remain part of the fabric of the running club that is Dragons.

 For those who knew her, she leaves a legacy of cherished memories. Ripon Races and our summer social were a reflection of what she loved about life; fun and laughter with a few gins thrown in.
