Your Captains

Your Captains are on hand to represent the views of members within the club, to offer support with personal running goals and encourage those who choose to participate in races and events.

Louise Johnson

I’ve been a member at Dragons Running Club for 8.5 years, where I have made some amazing friends who have helped me to achieve some of my personal running goals. 

I live locally in Yeadon and have 2 children – Millie, aged 14, and Zach, aged 9. I work as a cabin crew performance trainer for a local company, which I love as aviation has been one of my passions since childhood.  

I love running with Dragons as we are a social and friendly club. Going for a club run and a chat is the best way to boost my fitness without it feeling like a chore.  Equally, I  like to participate in a variety of races as I really like the buzz I feel on the start line. 

As part of my Captain’s role, I will be encouraging participation at the HDSRL and PECO leagues and will also be regularly updating our Dragons facebook page with upcoming races, events and members’ results. I am proud to be taking on the Captain role this summer and look forward to running with you!

Rob Harrison

I’ve been a Dragon for 3 years. After completing the Couch to 5K programme in 2020, running has been a big part of my fitness and mental wellbeing.

The club is a great social space, where I enjoy chatting with friends whilst on a club run, social event or participating with members in many local races. I really enjoy a variety of races – I just need to conquer the start line nerves!

I feel very privileged to be a club captain and to support Louise and the committee!
